
Top 5 Reasons Why
Content Goes Viral

  1. Publish on a Tuesday for maximum shares
  2. Pictures, images or thumbnails with your article increase your shares up to 230%
  3. 57% of shared articles invoke awe, laughter or amusement
  4. Getting 1 extra Influencer to share your article has a multiplier effect
  5. People love to share lists and infographics


Learn to control and use it
before it bites you in the wallet.

Social media starts by being simple and efficient with your message. Managing the social media beast can consume your time and resources will get tired of your requests. By simplifying your message, it will be easier for your audience to glance and understand, and hopefully go viral. Here is a few suggestions to start with:

  1. Keep your message simple on all medias
  2. Never brag about your company
  3. Infographics is a great way to express a challenging thought
  4. Respond to your audience - never ignore
  5. Be on the lookout for spammers and block them
  6. Have fun and be creative